More comfort. More efficiency.
Thanks to our Payment solution, the payment process is now being revolutionized for you. Your customers scan their purchases directly at the trolley and pay conveniently. Thanks to integrated payment systems, there is no need to queue at the checkout, making your customers’ shopping faster and less stressful. Various payment methods such as card payment, mobile wallets or contactless options offer you maximum flexibility.
This screen is from the tablet of our UltimateShopper – an intelligent shopping cart, the first smart trolley with an integrated payment function.

Your benefits
Sales increase
Encourage impulse purchases with the help of our payment solution, as your customers can make contactless payments directly at the trolley. This reduces the likelihood of selected products being put back if waiting times at the checkout are too long.
Automating the payment process requires less checkout staff and relieves your employees in long term. You increase the processing speed as the payment transaction is shortened. In addition, the need for checkout areas is reduced. This frees up space for additional sales areas.
Position yourself as a technologically advanced company and a pioneer in the field of modern payment solutions. You will benefit from increased attractiveness, especially for tech-savvy customers, younger target groups or when recruiting employees.
Cost savings
Thanks to the payment solution, expensive investments and their servicing become unnecessary. There is no need for cashiers, which reduces personnel costs and allows staff to be deployed in other areas. In addition, operating costs such as electricity consumption for checkout systems and consumables such as receipts or bags are reduced.
Our products
UltimateShopper Plus
Our smart shopping cart with integrated tracking technology.

UltimateShopper Retrofit Plus
Our smart retrofit solution for your shopping cart with integrated tracking technology.