More safety. More control.
Weight-based Loss Prevention
Our Loss Prevention solution helps you to reduce theft and loss of goods during shopping. Using digital load cells, the weight of the items placed in the trolley is continuously monitored. In addition, the items inserted are compared with the current location of the shopping cart. Besides the weight, an additional plausibility check is carried out using the location.
This picture shows the position of the load cells on our UltimateShopper. The load cells weigh reliably to within a few grams.

Your benefits
Real-time signals
Any irregularity is detected immediately and enables a quick response to potential theft. For example, you can use LED components on the shopping cart to display different light signals for different scenarios. In this way, an employee recognizes that there is a discrepancy on this trolley when the light is red and can react immediately.
Automatic weight detection reduces manual checks and makes your customers’ shopping experience easier by detecting and confirming the correct placement of goods. This minimizes stock shortages, inventory errors and losses.
Thanks to the anti-theft device, less interventions are required. You relieve your staff and minimize security risks. In addition to the weight check, the plausibility check by location makes it more difficult to manipulate inserted goods.
Cost savings
By reducing loss scenarios, you can minimize losses in long term and improve your profit margins. Compared to traditional security measures such as surveillance cameras or security personnel, our theft solution saves you significant investment costs.
AI-based Loss Prevention
Our AI-based Loss Prevention solution effectively reduces theft and loss of goods during shopping. The camera on the shopping cart tablet continuously captures images and checks the last three images with each scan to ensure that the inserted item matches the scanned product – in compliance with GDPR.
This picture shows the back of our UltimateShopper tablet on which the camera for the AI technology is located.

Your benefits
Real-time signals
Any irregularity is detected immediately and enables a quick response to potential theft. For example, you can use LED components on the shopping cart to display different light signals for different scenarios. In this way, an employee recognizes that there is a discrepancy on this trolley when the light is red and can react immediately.
The automatic AI technology reduces manual checks and makes your customers’ shopping experience easier by detecting and confirming the correct placement of goods. This minimizes stock shortages, inventory errors and losses.
Thanks to the anti-theft device, less interventions are required. You relieve your staff and minimize security risks. In addition to the weight check, the plausibility check by location makes it more difficult to manipulate inserted goods.
Cost savings
By reducing loss scenarios, you can minimize losses in long term and improve your profit margins. Compared to traditional security measures such as surveillance cameras or security personnel, our theft solution saves you significant investment costs.