Asset Tracking
Our Asset Tracking system records the movements of shopping carts in real time. Based on the latest infrared technology, our sensors record the movement data reliably and precisely.
Your benefits
Sales increase
The exact customer location enables you to implement your Retail Media Strategies. You can use the customer location to display offers and recommendations in real time, e.g. via Digital Signage, and increase the probability of purchase as well as cross-selling and upselling.
The promotion of advertised products enables you to receive cashback from suppliers (Direct Response Marketing).
The routes and movements of your customers help you to optimize your product placement by strategically repositioning products.
Customer satisfaction
You increase customer loyalty and customer satisfaction by reducing bottlenecks and queues through real-time visualization of customer flows.
The customer feels well guided through the store by the optimized navigation and perceives the personalized recommendations as a positive additional offer.
We bring the convenience of online shopping to the Point of Sale. Our seamless connection of online and offline retail creates a consistent and pleasant shopping experience that optimally meets the needs and expectations of your customers.
Data-based strategies
By interacting with your customers in real time, you can understand their behaviour through recording walking routes, dwell times and hot and cold spots and optimize your store design on this basis.
By predicting peak times, you can schedule your staff more effectively and adapt the presentation of offers based on visitor flows.
Your customers will be optimally navigated through the market and find the products they are looking for on their own. This reduces the workload on your staff and avoids non-purchases.
Our Products
UltimateShopper Plus
Our smart shopping cart with integrated tracking technology.

UltimateShopper Retrofit Plus
Our smart retrofit solution for your shopping cart with integrated tracking technology.


- Profitability of advertising campaigns
- Sales distribution and sales origin
- Waiting times in the checkout area
- Current visitor numbers e.g. per day of the week, time, weather etc.

- Precise tracking of customer routes
- Analysis of individual and group flows
- Recognition of bottlenecks and less frequented areas, e.g. fruit and vegetable department
- Individual analysis and consideration of several floors

- Monitoring the utilization of several areas within a store through complete store installation
- Monitoring of capacity utilization within a specific area, e.g. butcher’s counter, using individual sensors
- Comparisons with other stores or with other days in the same store
Thanks to our specially developed analysis software, you can view and evaluate your real-time data conveniently and clearly.

Instant Messenger
Some information is needed quickly. With our Instant Messenger, you receive up-to-date information on visitor flows regularly on your smartphone, dashboard or by email, allowing you to react quickly.